How To Get Whipworms Out Of Yard
Whipworms are disgusting parasites that live in your dog’s intestinal tracts and spread through fecal matter into your ground.
Once they are in the ground, these worms will spread, eating grass and devastating your lawn.
And this lifecycle begins again once they lay eggs that may infect your dog again.
As a result, treatment must be done on a multi-tiered level to minimize any serious risk.
Step One: Get Whipworm Treatment for Your Pets

Most whipworm infestations begin when a dog is infested by these vermin and brings them to a yard with fecal matter.
As a result, you need to make sure that you treat your pup for this problem by taking them to a veterinarian.
They’ll not only remove the worms but provide you with prevention medications that help minimize this risk.
Doing so helps keep your pet safe from a severe infestation.
Typically, this treatment is specific to whipworms because traditional deworming medicine does not work on them.
Therefore, you may need to track your dog’s fecal matter for a while to make sure that it doesn’t have any whipworms or other parasites in it.
It may also be essential to find a segment of the yard where whipworms are not located to minimize any potential reinfections.
While treating your dog for this health issue, it is also essential to handle your yard’s infestation with other care methods.
Doing these steps simultaneously is critical because it helps minimize the risk of potential spread and helps your pet stay strong and healthy.
Just as importantly, it helps to give you the time you need to make your yard as attractive as possible.
Step Two: Manage Your Pet’s Fecal Matter

While treating your pet should help to minimize the spread of whipworms, you also need to take control of their fecal matter for a period to reduce the risk of further spread.
The steps that you need to take to help your pet are not fun and include how you must:
- Create an area of your yard where your pet “does their business”
- Carefully clean up all fecal matter after every trip outside
- Check each bowel movement for whipworms
- Avoid allowing other animals into your yard
- Clean up other fecal matter if other animals do enter your yard
This step is probably the least enjoyable about this experience.
Following your pet and cleaning up after them will be frustrating and take up time you’d instead be spending doing anything else.
However, it is critical to protect your yard and your beloved canine from whipworm infections.
Step Three: Begin Attacking the Whipworms

Once you’ve started handling your pet’s fecal matter and taking care to minimize their spread to your canine, it is crucial to begin destroying the whipworms.
You’ll need to find a treatment method that not only kills the eggs but the adult whipworms as well.
Some pesticides can benefit but may create a lingering chemical residue that you may not want on your lawn.
As a result, the best way to destroy whipworms is lime.
This natural substance is a potent destroyer of many parasites, worms, and other vermin that may invade your lawn.
However, this substance is mostly relatively safe for pets and your yard and should be reasonably inexpensive.
It works by drying out whipworm eggs and adults, killing them quickly and efficiently.
Spreading this substance requires these steps:
- Find a high-quality lawn shop where you can buy lawn care lime
- Buy at least 40-50 pounds per 1,000 square feet of your yard
- Rent or purchase a pesticide spreader that you can use with your lime
- Open the lime and pour it into the spreader container
- Carefully spread the lime across the surface of your lawn using the spreader
- Try to keep your yard free of water for at least two weeks after application
That two-week waiting period is critical if you want to kill whipworms because their eggs must be dry that whole time.
Otherwise, they may end up hatching and spreading into your pet.
Often, it is best to apply lime during the summer, or when you know you’ll be having an extended dry spell.
The hottest part of the summer is usually the driest, so consider late July and early August as the best time.
Make sure always to wear shoes when you’re out in your hard during this treatment process.
You may step on whipworm eggs or adults and could spread them further without realizing it.
Other parasites may even burrow into your barefoot if you are not careful.
You may also want to wear gloves whenever you apply any treatment method, even though lime shouldn’t hurt you, just to be safe.
Step Four: Protect Other Areas of Your Yard

Lastly, you need to make sure that you take the time to protect other areas of your yard.
These steps are relatively simple and shouldn’t take a lot of hard work to manage.
Just a few that will keep whipworms out of your yard and your pet include how you can:
- Disinfect any paved surfaces using bleach or other items
- Pave areas (like creating garden paths or patios) to decrease where whipworms can invade
- Remove some of your topsoil to spot whipworm eggs and get rid of them
- Keep your grass well mowed to make it easier to spot infections
- Add lime to areas you might not think, such as around flower beds
By taking these simple steps, you make it easier to protect other areas of your yard and minimize the spread of whipworms.
You may want to perform this process for at least five years after you notice the initial pest invasion.
Unfortunately, eggs may last as long as five years if you do not.
How to Get Whipworms Out
Taking each of these steps in this order will help get whipworms out of your home for good.
Ensure that you pay careful attention to each and perform them properly to ensure that you are satisfied.
Taking control of your yard in this way is both satisfying and financially wise.